Selasa, 28 Agustus 2018

Pantjoran tea house.

Pantjoran was the gate to
Batavia Chinatown. This building was
the former Chung Hwa pharmacy that was
operated from 1928 to 1957, and then
left abandoned.
After restoration, it was opened again
as a tea house.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2018


Margamukti tea plantation is located in
Bandung regency.

Surya Indah.

Built  c1985 this resort villas
located in Cipanas, West java,
has since been our get away  
from crowded city life.

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2018

Sunrise at Borobudur.

Sunrise at Borobudur temple.

Plengkung Gading.

Plengkung Gading was one of five gates of
Jogjakarta's kraton/palace which was build in 1756,
by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono I.
The gates connected the areas within the wall
and the outside

The Red Shop.

The Red Shop or 'Toko Merah' was built in 1730.
Located in old Batavia neighborhood,
this was the former home of
Dutch Governor General Van Imhoff.
In 1851 the building was purchased by Oey Liaw Kong,
the captain of Chinese society in Batavia,
was used as his residence and shop,
and was painted red.
Since then it was known as the Red Shop.